Friday, 11 July 2014

Research: Mis En Scene used within Horror Films (generalisation)

Key Mis En Scene features commonly found within horror films

- Lighting
- Costume/Makeup
- Facial expression/Body Language
- Props
- Setting


The lighting is mainly low-level (dark) which is used within horror/thriller films because it creates the fear, tension and suspense for the audience to set the tone for the scene. Horror films often use this style of lighting in an exaggerated form of over-lighting (placing a light over the face) or under-lighting (placing a light under the face) an example of this is within the film "Jason" . Horror films also  use low levels of lighting to create distorted and dramatic effect which aids the film to display different moods and events within the film e.g. (  low lighting means to inform audiences that the protagonist is in danger or reaching the cliff-hanger within the film. also lower usage of lighting also helps create a huge amount of tension e.g. (pitch black scenes helps the audiences to be a bit suspicious into the out come of the next scene. 


Costume/Make Up is another key feature which is helps create the horror effect within creating the horror film. the generalisation within horror films is that the uses of costume and make up include

Key:      Red= Effect              Black= Key Points/Theory

    Costume generalisations

    Make Up generalisation

    Blood Drenched clothing – Helps create tension for the audience suggests the events which has occurred e.g. Murder
     and example of a film Final Destination

    Scars and Bruises This make up usage also help create a realistic view for the audience which keeps the feel of the horror film e.g. knife wounds, choke bruises. This in turn scares and intimidates the audience

    Horror scary masks These masks are used to highlight fear which the audiences may have psychologically (influenced from a young age) e.g. killer clowns, scream masks.
    E.g. Chainsaw Massacre, when the characters face is scalped off to create a new mask for the main villain this presents the theme of gore

    Bloodshot Eyes and Scary Light Contact Lenses – The used of these elements allowed the instant shock effect towards the audience. E.g. quick close up shot shows piercing eyes. This could be seen as intimidation towards the audience which serves a greater horror effect

     Dark and damp clothing – This helps creates the dark and mischievous side of the characters


    Blood mouth Dribble (sharp teeth)– This creates tension and suspense within the horror film


Facial expression/Body Language

Facial expressions and body language are other key elements that are important in creating  well presented films. This works by honing in on characters' emotions which could highlight the reaction and level of fear and suspense presented by the audience most horror films.

 timid and shivering body languages allows the audience to sense the fear from the characters which could aid the audience become fearful into what is to come within the horror film .


Props are also a key element to horror films because they help add a diversity of outcomes within the film e.g. A Gun can be used in create many different outcomes e.g. commit suicide, use of protection, used to commit murder. this helps confuses the audience into not allowing them to figure out the storyline of the horror film which could effect the fear factor of the film overall. 


This is quite an important featured because it allows the audience to identify the genre of the film and allows the director to communicate with the audience by using the film as a communication bridge to give audiences ideas of what may happen within the film .Most horror films are situated in dark areas. This allows the directors to hide the storyline from their targeted audience which disallows them to identify the direction of the film which allows the directors to add more scary and unexpected moments which will give there film the edge over others.
This is an example of what a horror film normally looks like .  because the picture uses dark colours (E.g. dark greens and blacks) this creates the illusion of loneliness and pain

1 comment:

  1. Jordan, you need to specify where you have got this information from. Which films have you studied? You also need to consider much more than camera and setting.
    Include consideration of editing, sound, character types, narrative structure and mise en scene.
