Saturday, 18 April 2015

draft of review


When creating my review I did struggle slightly because I had to use different software which would outside my comfort zone which you can see within my draft this is an initial idea of how my review will look. I haven't included writing because my main focus was the layout of my review and how it would look which mean the focus of writing was left till my final draft,

I began to consider the type of images I was going to use for my review I believed that the image I used for my poster was possibly suitable for my review because it related to my film and also it had the horror effect which will help the effectiveness of my review.
 I also wanted to use serif for my Ominous title because it also gave the horror effect which is highlighted to the audience

I do believe that there is quite a bit of work which is needed in order to produce a quality review double page spread which links with my horror film, I will need to try and look more at the examples I have used in my research to find a layout and structure which will assist me to gain inspirations

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