This is my final Ominous Review. When looking at my feedback from my peers and teachers I did have to focus on the content of the review and organise the presentation of the review. These are a few things in which I needed to consider when editing this review
Colour- When improving my poster I needed to make sure that the colour all corresponded to the products in which I completed, this was through the poster and the review.
- Red helps illustrate blood which highlights to the audiences that the film is about a horror film due the connotation of red which is blood ,gore and pain which a spread between the products of poster and review .
Black - Used to show the darkness within the review which will highlight key information which is the reason why the text on the right hand side is white which helps pierce through the black background.
Structure (Layout) - I had to make sure that the layout was structured and allowed my audience to read my work more easily. By using the column tool I was able to shrink the text boxes and put them in an order which recreated most newspaper articles and also other film review magazines. I also shrunk my Review title and increase the Ominous Sign. This allowed me to enhance my film title which was ideal to catch the audiences attention as soon as they would see the review they would gain knowledge about what the review is referring to due to the increase of font size
Content - Language punctuation - I also had to make sure that I read over my work because in my feedback I did find out that i needed to proof read my work because some of the sentences didn't make sense which could have a negative effect on how the audience interpreted the text I have wrote
Overall I have enjoyed making this project by using the different skills I have been able to create a better double page spread than last year due to the fact i have more knowledge bout how to use certain software like InDesign, Photoshop and Movie Maker
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